Ordinances & Comprehensive Plan

Click on the ordinances below for a downloadable file

Alewife Ordinance

Bremen Comprehensive Plan August 20

Board of Appeals Ordinance

Bremen Shellfish Ordinance-Amended Final

D.O.T. Highway Driveway and Entrance Rules

Earth Material Extraction and Use Ordinance

2015 Flood Plain Ordinance

General Assistance Ordinance

Harbor Ordinance

Land Use Ordinance 2024

Mobile Home Park Ordinance

Planning Board Ordinance Feb 2019

Recall Ordinance

Residential Growth Cap Ordinance

Shoreland Zoning Ordinance 2024

Subdivision Ordinance

Traffic and Parking Ordinance

Complaint Policy

For informational use only. Original and copies available in the Town Center

The following is offered as a friendly reminder to all Bremen residents who are contemplating any construction-related activity on their property including but not limited to new construction, expansion, relocation, replacement, demolition, clearing, change of use, and road building.  Under those circumstances, residents should do the following to see what is allowed, what ordinances apply, and what might require a permit:

  • Consult the appropriate Town ordinances, which are on the Town’s website.
  • Consult the Town Code Enforcement Officer; the Town Office can supply contact information.

The following options also are available:

  • Apply for an informal, non-binding pre-application conference with the Planning Board.
  • Confer with the Town planning consultant.  See the Town Clerk for the consultant’s hours.

In sum, the Town and its staff stand ready to help residents through any construction-related activity.  Prospective applicants must take the first step to consult the appropriate ordinance before construction begins.  After-the-fact permits are not automatically granted and are very expensive to acquire.  If an after-the-fact permit is not granted and a violation has occurred, the applicant may be required to undo what has been done at his or her expense.

Thank you.

Town Office Hours:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (First and third Thursdays of the month)
Closed Mondays and Holidays

Phone:  207-529-5945    Email:  Bremen@tidewater.net